Bouncy toys jokes
Bouncy toys jokes

bouncy toys jokes

  • The " Flaming Death" act is a reference to suicide.
  • In the above scene, one of the Fly Brothers notices Francis and, mistaking him for a girl, says: "Hey, cutie! Wanna pollinate with a real bug?", meaning he wants to have sex with him.
  • After Rosie and Dim's failed opening circus act, some of the flies leave dissatisfied, and one of them says, "I have been in outhouses that didn't stink that bad.".
  • bouncy toys jokes

    Although not in the film itself, in an original draft for the movie, when Barbie saves Woody and Buzz à la Sarah Connor, Woody remarks at one point that he wished he was "anatomically correct".Potato Head for getting what he wanted, a reference to a common expression for viewing someone as sexually attractive.

    bouncy toys jokes

    Spell types: "HUBBA HUBBA!" when cheering on Mr. When the soldiers report that Molly got a Mrs.When Woody shows the other toys Buzz's detached arm and claims that he's all right, Rex, thinking Woody killed Buzz, turns his head away and makes a vomiting sound.Nesbitt scene, Buzz is concussed from his bad fall a few minutes before, making him appear "drunk" on imaginary Darjeeling (tea), causing Woody to later reply, "I think you've had enough tea for today." The word is also a double entendre, referring to a hooker (prostitute). Legs, one of Sid's toys, is a fishing rod with Barbie legs who is supposed to be a "hooker", as she is a toy who can hook things.

    bouncy toys jokes

    Potato Head quietly gets Woody's attention by having Etch draw a hangman's noose and points at him, meaning he is threatening to hang Woody as a death sentence for knocking Buzz out the window. Potato Head threatening to hang WoodyWhile Andy starts searching his room for Buzz, Mr. It also references the alcoholic beverage Bud Light Beer. Lite-Beer", referring to the fact that if Buzz were really flying around the room with his eyes closed, he would likely be drunk. After Buzz tells Woody that he can fly around Andy's room with his eyes closed, Woody calls Buzz "Mr.Potato Head accuses him of having "laser envy", a reference to the Freudian concept of penis envy (despite said concept pertaining to females only). When Woody is irritated that the other toys are in awe of Buzz's laser, Mr.When the other toys marvel at Buzz, he says to Woody, "I think the word you're searching for is 'Space Ranger.'" An annoyed Woody replies, "The word I'm searching for I can't say because there are preschool toys present," implying that he wanted to call Buzz a profane word.This is due to "damn" being the original word before the studio changed it to be more child-friendly. Although it is actually a mistake, in Buzz's first scene, he says, "Blast!" but he mouths the word "damn".Spell, Snake, and one of the Troikas to laugh, as he is calling Slinky a butt kisser. Potato Head points to Slinky, removes his lips, and makes them kiss his own butt, causing Mr. When Bo asks Woody, "What do you say I get someone else to watch the sheep tonight?", it is implied that Bo wants to spend the night with Woody (i.e.

    Bouncy toys jokes